Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Student Services

Came back from school 2hours and 15 min ago so might as well write a new post.

Today informaton tech was kind of fun, though there were interuptions going on, explore the school to find some posters and take pictures of them. Went back to class and did own poster( i did lamborghini revtón ) and managed to complete it 75% before heading off to recess.

Went to student services to report about lost phone and guess what... they didn't even care. They just said:"Sorry about your loss but we don't even have any lost phone here. If you don't have anything else, would you mind leaving?

I was like thinking, what type of services is that? ka na sai la

Had P.E before the end of school and played soccer. I was the medic and ball catcher lol... 2 guys kena injured and many goals missed so quite busy...

Now at home and found something on my blog... Clara-san found out that i call her obaa-san(Grandma) and now she's going to kill me...Ohh

This is an apology to Clara for calling her obaa-san and hopes she forgive me* bows 90 degrees towards Clara*

Monday, February 25, 2008


Today I was hit by a disease called"Unluckiness" Why do I say that? Well, here is a list of why I am unlucky

  • Teacher could not hear my voice during Home Group period

  • Was scolded for not knowing how to explain the word "highjacking"during English when I knew what it meant

  • Did not managed to complete Science Test by 2 questions

  • Almost every question was wrong during maths practice

  • Arm hurt a lot during Technical Graphics and couldn't draw the drawing properly thus wasting 2 sheets of paper

  • Yawn and Yawn during Information Technology

  • Lost my protractor and set square during the changing of class

  • Lost my K610I handphone

See the meaning of Unluckiness? Still have english and maths homework to complete...Haiz, better finish them before adding a new post again.

Ja* Poof and disappeared in a smoke*


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Last Post of the day

  • Last post of the day

Well folks, here is the last post of the day.

Still watching So you can think you can Dance Australia. There is a couple and it was Henry and Vannesa. Reason: Watch the first episode .

Now they are perdorming Animation hip hop and it is FRAKING COOL. Ohh, they just ended their routine and now await for the judges to reply.

After watching the show, keep books and now I submerged into deep slumber...

Annoyed with my father

Back from eating dinner with family. Just as i was about to bite my wudong...my dad called. Wa Lao, people gonna eat then call...lol

Told me that my mother could not speak due to sore throat...So the only way to communicate with us was to write what she wanted to speak on a piece of paper before flashing it.

Currently watching So you Can think you can dance Australia version. It's better than singapore due to the channel administrator kindly enough to upgrade it to HD!!!!!!!! YATTA!!!!!!!!!! So it is fraing clear to watch.

While then, i will be back for one more post before dozing all to sleep...Bye

P:S the time difference between singapore and australia is two and a half hours
Example: 7p.m in singapore=9.30pm in australia

Long time

Wow, it has been almost a month since i posted. Since most of u all doesn't know what is going on here in Australia, here's the story....

Went to school on tuesday and did some ESL(English as Second language) before going to information technology for some computer course( damn.. those computer so slow that must use USB to boost it).....At 10.30..RECESSSSSSSS!!!!! Everyone immediately ran out of the classroom and ran off to the canteen.....

After recess went to Technical Graph to do some drawing( this subject is still ok, the work is not to shabby. But a bit boring) before heading off to lunch( 40 min for lunch so tatal amount of free time =1hr)

Went to Chinese and OMG, the chinese teacher from China and cannot even teach the class. Sian.... Last subject was P.E and something interesting happen to me....

Got an excuse from teacher due to joint pain on the wrist and sat at the sidelines. But i insisted to help my team on their gymnastics routine so teacher let me. Help to do routine until i perform a diving roll and i....


My friend Peter saw my MEAT FLOPPED A BIT .....URGGHHH...GROSS

Immediately went to hospital to do an x-ray on the arm and found out that i broke 2 bones. Went into the Adolscent ward and stayed there for a night before having an operation the next day.

Went to Theater room and breathe some Oxygen before i was knocked out. Next moment i knew, i was sleeping in the ward and my arm was healed. Only can move some fingers but cannot make a fist so practiced with the hand for a while.

Yay....finally I was discharged from the hospital and went back home to sleep for a while due to having a fever after the operation...

Came back to school next week and I WAS BAR FROM P.E FOR 3 MONTHS.....FRAAAAAAKKKKKKK. So i could only watch them play soccer and indoor football.'

That was a long post... may need to take a rest from writing. Teacher assigned a science test tomorrow so I am signing off after visiting Clara's blog for a while..

Ja..*Poof and disappered in a smoke*